A deadbolt lock is an excellent type of lock of any outside door. It
is better than an ordinary spring loaded type of bolt block. A deadbolt
lock can only be turned to the open position from outside with the right
key rotating the lock cylinder. A spring loaded bolt lock can be opened
without a key as long as some type of pressure is applied to the bolt
It is alright for a home or business to have a spring loaded bolt lock. For a home or business to be more safe from an unwanted intruder, all its outside doors should also have a deadbolt lock. A deadbolt lock can make it more difficult for an intruder to gain entry into the structure without the right key. It can be done, but it takes longer without the right key, which will in turn draw attention to the intruder. An intruder does not want to take long gaining entry, therefore a deadbolt lock can make them go elsewhere for their bad intentions.
There are two common types of deadbolt locks. One is a single cylinder deadbolt. The single cylinder uses a key to gain entry from the outside, but on the inside it uses a twisting type of doorknob. A double cylinder deadbolt lock uses a key to on both sides to be able to open the door. Since the double cylinder one uses a key no matter what side the person is on, it usually will not have a twisting doorknob on either side of it.
A not so common deadbolt is the vertical deadbolt lock. This type of lock is rarely used, even though it does not allow for the door to be jammed with something, like a pry bar, for an intruder to try to open. A few other types of deadbolt locks that are offered but rarely used are: single cylinder with a removable thumb turn knob, classroom function knob where the thumb turn only will unlock the door, exit only function knob where there is no external cylinder since the door is only used for exiting and not for re-entering a building, and a push button deadbolt which uses a mechanical or electrical entry instead of a key.
The only safety hazard there is with a deadbolt lock has been with the double cylinder type of lock. This type of deadbolt needs the correct key to be able to open no matter what side of the door the person is on. This has caused the death of a few people in house fires because the key was not in the door on the inside of the house.
Find deadbolts here.
It is alright for a home or business to have a spring loaded bolt lock. For a home or business to be more safe from an unwanted intruder, all its outside doors should also have a deadbolt lock. A deadbolt lock can make it more difficult for an intruder to gain entry into the structure without the right key. It can be done, but it takes longer without the right key, which will in turn draw attention to the intruder. An intruder does not want to take long gaining entry, therefore a deadbolt lock can make them go elsewhere for their bad intentions.
There are two common types of deadbolt locks. One is a single cylinder deadbolt. The single cylinder uses a key to gain entry from the outside, but on the inside it uses a twisting type of doorknob. A double cylinder deadbolt lock uses a key to on both sides to be able to open the door. Since the double cylinder one uses a key no matter what side the person is on, it usually will not have a twisting doorknob on either side of it.
A not so common deadbolt is the vertical deadbolt lock. This type of lock is rarely used, even though it does not allow for the door to be jammed with something, like a pry bar, for an intruder to try to open. A few other types of deadbolt locks that are offered but rarely used are: single cylinder with a removable thumb turn knob, classroom function knob where the thumb turn only will unlock the door, exit only function knob where there is no external cylinder since the door is only used for exiting and not for re-entering a building, and a push button deadbolt which uses a mechanical or electrical entry instead of a key.
The only safety hazard there is with a deadbolt lock has been with the double cylinder type of lock. This type of deadbolt needs the correct key to be able to open no matter what side of the door the person is on. This has caused the death of a few people in house fires because the key was not in the door on the inside of the house.
Find deadbolts here.
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